Mindful Leadership
Collective Intelligence

Act Together.

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Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence refers to a community's ability to bring together skills and knowledge to advance towards a common goal. In order to understand it, we must imagine that this intelligence is broader than the simple addition of individual intelligences. In other words, if the conditions are met, then the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Conditions for collective intelligence

During the PLAY workshop, we identify the many obstacles that may block collective intelligence, such as conformist cognitive biases.

If we look at the animal world, many species such as bees or wolves have the ability to act with a common purpose, sharing skills, knowledge, competencies. This ability may seem as natural in humans, but in reality it faces many obstacles or is not always sufficiently stimulated in organisations. These convergences of spirit can only come about if the interactions between members are sufficiently virtuous.

To reach this state of cooperation and function as a collective intelligence, certain conditions must be met. In the PLAY course, we work to identify these conditions. Together, we experiment with the processes, behaviors and communication methods that can help remove these obstacles and stimulate collective intelligence. We can thus generate virtuous collaborations and innovate within our organization.

Group photo during the workshop
Collective Intelligence group photo
Exercise Play

Learning to function as a collective intelligence

In the following scenes, which do you think provides the conditions for creativity and collective intelligence?
Click on the drawings to enlarge them.


The right behavior at the right time

For each of the 3 situations described, click on the card that seems most appropriate to the situation.


These modules were created by theIHEDD and the AFD campus.

IHEDD logo

Program of the third pillar


Understanding the principles of efficient collaboration

Learning facilitation techniques for your group work (brainstorming, etc)

Learning to act as a coach

Experimenting the power of collective intelligence in practice

We created PLAY for international development and solidarity professionals like you.
You are committed to Sustainable Development Goals. You believe that innovative and collaborative approaches are needed to achieve them. You are looking for tools and a community to get there: join us!
How to register